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Miles - Ep. 3/To the Stars

Paid Role: $50


Character Notes:

Miles is the A.I. personality and pilot of a cargo ship.  He is on the verge of sentience.  Not a voice copy, but similar style as "Data" from Star Trek, just not quite as sentient but getting there.  Maxine and Rusty are the equivalent of a current day married trucker couple.  In a small way, they have come to see Miles as kind of the son they never had.  Miles has become quite protective of them.  He loves to share detailed information, and often says too much, as he doesn't quite have a handle on what is appropriate to share and when.

To Audition:

Please record the following and send mp3 to



-It appears that the counterfeit medical clearance key I reluctantly allowed you to upload to my systems uses an outdated codex.  I will attempt to compensate for the error and re-write.

-Good Morning, Maxine. Day 26 system analysis, green across the board.  You have been in silence for forty-seven minutes, six seconds since you awoke. (beat)  Would you like some music?

(Maxine lines here for context, no need to read them) 






Not now, Miles.



I am concerned.



(distracted) Uh-huh…



Rusty’s activation of the decoupling command routine

with a manual strike to the control console should not have been possible.

Multiple fail-safes seem to have been circumvented. I suspect the rogue software codex as being complicit in this incident. Catastrophic detachment of cargo container was averted three point two seconds before implementation.

I fear that additional systems may be compromised.

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